Tidbits: Working for Mansplainers

I have been mulling on how to go about writing all these valuable career experiences candidly. They were substantial turning points, testing times and reflections of how I have grown as an individual in the workplace. I gave it time, thinking that this has to be written when I am on top of my mental… Continue reading Tidbits: Working for Mansplainers

Bad Bosses.

That title is clickbait. This has been a choir for most to talk shit about their bad bosses. I do not give credit to a convulsion of the unworthy pack of shitty people this time around. I would like to focus on the great bosses that I have been ever so grateful and fortunate to… Continue reading Bad Bosses.

Tricky Characters volume 1*

Career experience is not enough to judge a person's body of work. It requires a deeper look into their perspectives and the way they learned beyond their in-the-books background. The idealism and realism are both powerful notes on how you could hire or work with the right people within your organization. I was mistakingly judged… Continue reading Tricky Characters volume 1*