Tidbits: Working for Mansplainers

I have been mulling on how to go about writing all these valuable career experiences candidly. They were substantial turning points, testing times and reflections of how I have grown as an individual in the workplace. I gave it time, thinking that this has to be written when I am on top of my mental… Continue reading Tidbits: Working for Mansplainers

The Risky Path of Doing the Right Thing.

It is mind-blowing for me to keep on reflecting on values and ethics and how it is being challenged in the workplace. We are advertised to do the right things, be ethical, and live the values where we work, but in reality, only the people who can sidestep the right thing are the ones who… Continue reading The Risky Path of Doing the Right Thing.

Bad Bosses.

That title is clickbait. This has been a choir for most to talk shit about their bad bosses. I do not give credit to a convulsion of the unworthy pack of shitty people this time around. I would like to focus on the great bosses that I have been ever so grateful and fortunate to… Continue reading Bad Bosses.

Leaders: Do You Even Deserve To Have A Team?

In the past, I have built a great team, in my own standards- despite a mixed bag of personalities. It is not ideal as I have not hired most of them myself. You find a lot of them completely opposite of what you want to surround yourself with or the talents you'd like to hone… Continue reading Leaders: Do You Even Deserve To Have A Team?

Hey, Young Startup CEO: Your title is nothing but letters unless…

Business title nowadays are overrated. As we progress and innovate, the creativity with titles go with them as well. But real professionals see right through these and focus on the people under these labels. Youth could be the future -- and they should continue to be. Let's disregard the age but the maturity building a… Continue reading Hey, Young Startup CEO: Your title is nothing but letters unless…

Working Environment: Shapeshifter, Shadow and Mirror

Environment is a big influence within one's self, memories and decisions. It creates a world that a person moves within. A mentor told me today over Marmite on toast and hot chocolate 'power' lunch that "the grass is not really greener on the other side," in terms of finding the 'perfect' working environment and/or job.… Continue reading Working Environment: Shapeshifter, Shadow and Mirror

Tricky Characters volume 1*

Career experience is not enough to judge a person's body of work. It requires a deeper look into their perspectives and the way they learned beyond their in-the-books background. The idealism and realism are both powerful notes on how you could hire or work with the right people within your organization. I was mistakingly judged… Continue reading Tricky Characters volume 1*

Leadership Avoids Micromanaging

http://www.linkedin.com/today/post/article/20130321171818-2293107-3-patterns-to-avoid-micromanaging-and-lead-instead Sharing a topic on LinkedIn.